Nigeria's financial market has experienced significant developments in recent times, shaped by monetary policies, economic indicators, and regulatory changes. This essay provides an overview of the recent trends and events that have shaped the country's financial landscape.

Interest Rate Adjustment

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has been proactive in adjusting interest rates to combat inflation and stabilize the economy. In 2022, the CBN raised the Monetary Policy Rate (MPR) by 150 basis points to 14%, leading to a decline in the stock market. However, in 2024, the CBN increased the MPR by 400 basis points to 18% to combat high inflation and the falling naira.

Foreign Exchange Market Reforms

The CBN has implemented several reforms in the foreign exchange market to increase liquidity and stabilize the naira. The bank removed the currency peg and allowed the naira to float freely, leading to a significant appreciation of the currency. The CBN also removed the cap on foreign currency denominated collaterals for loans issued in Nigerian Naira.

Equity Market Performance

The Nigerian equity market experienced volatility in 2022, with the NGX All Share Index rising by 21.3% before falling by 1.98% year-to-date in November 2022. However, the market has shown signs of recovery in 2024, with the index rising by 10% in the first quarter.

Money Market Fund Growth

The money market fund has experienced significant growth in recent times, with the net asset value increasing by 14% between January and May 2024. The fund's net asset value grew to N1.008 trillion in May 2024 from N799 billion in the same period last year.

Banking Sector Performance

The banking sector has remained resilient, with five banks providing the most loans to manufacturers in 2023. The sector's total credit to the economy increased by 21.1% in 2022, with loans to the private sector rising by 24.5%.


Nigeria's financial market has experienced significant developments in recent times, driven by monetary policies, economic indicators, and regulatory changes. While the market has shown signs of recovery, challenges still persist, and the CBN must continue to implement policies that promote economic growth and stability.


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